We always aim to provide our patients with specialized treatments thanks to a highly qualified, well-balanced team and state-of-the-art technology. We carry out our procedures with a sense of familiarity and respect toward the environment.

This short description aims to encapsulate the main objective of our practice: collaboration with professionals across various healthcare disciplines, including dentistry, in order to offer a wider range of treatments and services for problems throughout the entire body of the patient.

The principles we adhere to aim also to protect the environment our children will grow up in. Our treatments are natural – for example, nickel-free – adhering to the theories of toxicology and biocompatibility. We are inspired by the principles of holistic dentistry. Click here to find out more.


We are a close-knit team: we feel like a big family!


A practice built on the foundations of passion and dedication, we offer a relaxing environment with music and essential oils which render Kravos & Guadagno a functional yet comfortable space.


During a chance meeting in 2009, Francesco and Simone immediately formed a deep personal and professional connection.


2013 marked the beginning of a dream: to establish a multidisciplinary practice where our staff offer the very best services across various branches of dentistry.


Our furnishings are carefully designed to alleviate worry and stress, helping you relax before your appointment.


All our staff work hard to convey a constant sense of positivity and wellbeing.


Our practice collaborates with psychologists, a midwife, a biological nutritionist and an osteopath.


We pay special attention to the treatment of children, and organize a creative and educational workshop named “Dentalandia”.

Our team

Our staff of dentists and dental assistants will welcome you with enthusiasm and professionalism, taking care of your health in a calming environment. Find out more.