Is the thought of a bulky brace preventing you from straightening your teeth and smiling freely?



and start smiling again through a gradual, controlled and, most importantly, imperceptible process.



Wear your aligners without anyone ever noticing.


You’ll undergo regular checks to make sure the process is running smoothly.


Month after month you’ll notice a subtle change thanks to your aligners.

Does smiling make you feel self-conscious when you’re around other people? When you look in the mirror would you like to see straighter teeth, although the thought of a traditional brace concerns you? We perfectly understand how you feel, as so many of our patients feel the exact same way during their first appointment. When they sit in the chair and begin to talk, we can tell merely from their expression that they feel “inadequate” in certain social contexts, feeling insecure because of their teeth. Yet some of them would prefer to live with this discomfort than fit a traditional brace. In the long term, crooked teeth may lead to incorrect oral hygiene practices, which could, in turn, lead to serious health problems.

“But is there no way of straightening my teeth without using traditional, bulky braces?”

The answer is yes, there is! To meet our clients’ aesthetic needs and ensure they always feel comfortable, at

Kravos & Guadagno we use invisible orthodontics able to gradually straighten your smile using aligners which no one will even notice.

Before we go on, let me introduce myself. I am Dr. Michele Ceschi, orthodontic specialist at Kravos & Guadagno.

In today’s busy society, I always try to meet the needs of my patients by creating the best treatment plan for their lifestyle which simultaneously allows them to achieve their goals.

Because of this, I am constantly staying up-to-date with the latest technology and systems to reduce treatment times and to lessen the aesthetic impact; this problem is particularly pertinent in our adult patients. This continuous research has led me to invisible orthodontics.


The different treatment options when it comes to invisible orthodontics can be divided into two branches: fixed and removable aligners or braces.

Invisible orthodontics, as the name suggests, includes all orthodontic treatments with the primary objective of being discreet. Using these internal or subtle transparent aligners, the teeth are gradually straightened, allowing the patient to continue living their normal life with no discomfort. Invisible for others, comfortable for the patient.

  • – Fixed lingual braces are an ideal solution for adult patients with a busy social and professional life, requiring their dental treatment to be both aesthetic and efficient. Lingual braces (which are fixed to the back of the teeth) are not visible to others, and are customized to perfectly fit the mouth of the patient. This means that there is no pain or discomfort, and ensures efficiency in the treatment.
  • – Removable transparent aligners such as Invisalign can be prescribed to adults or children 8 years and older. The aligners are used sequentially and lead to a progressive straightening of crooked teeth. Because the aligners are removable, they allow for comfortable use by the patient, and can be removed during meals for maximum hygiene.

Our orthodontists, in order to work with these transparent aligners, have followed an ad hoc training course which has given them the necessary skills to best employ this treatment.


Because these aligners are comfortable and invisible, your teeth are straightened without anyone noticing. This is a decidedly aesthetic treatment which promises a perfect smile with no discomfort, without compromising your everyday activities.

Our orthodontists, in order to work with these transparent aligners, have followed an ad hoc training course which has given them the necessary skills to best employ this treatment.

Thanks to these invisible orthodontic treatments, you’ll be able to smile freely, obtaining noticeable results month after month. Want to choose the best invisible orthodontics solution for you?


We are Michela, Simone and Francesco; welcome to Kravos & Guadagno dental practice! We’re a multidisciplinary practice offering professional, modern services which aid your oral health.


Fill out the form below to find out more and book your appointment. We are waiting for you.

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    Via S. Nicolò, 19, 34121 Trieste TS


    Can I still practice sport while wearing a brace or aligner?

    Yes, there are no limitations. When it comes to high-impact sports such as karate or boxing, we recommend protecting your smile with a mouthguard. There are mouthguards available in a range of colors and models to cover all types of brace or aligner, and are guaranteed to be comfortable.

    How long will my child’s orthodontic treatment last?

    The treatment duration varies from patient to patient – there is no set time period. On average, orthodontic treatment can range from 6 months for simpler cases to 2 years for more complex situations. The duration of treatment can be affected by the child’s growth rate, their oral health at the start of the treatment process, and the severity of misalignment. Much of the duration depends also on the patient’s willingness to follow instruction and maintain good oral hygiene, showing up to regular appointments.

    Once the treatment is over, will my teeth be straight forever?

    Good quality orthodontic treatment is always followed by a maintenance period. The main goal of this stage is to sustain the results obtained by the treatment, ensuring the teeth remain straight. This maintenance period usually lasts a lifetime. After months of orthodontic treatment, we want your new smile to last. Teeth can still move, even after wearing aligners; you may say that they possess a sort of muscle memory, and attempt to move back to their original position. That’s why we suggest using nighttime retainers. If these are not worn, it’s likely that your teeth will move.

    Can orthodontic treatment cause tooth decay?

    Fixed braces or aligners have an increased chance of trapping food, making it more difficult to maintain good oral hygiene; however, the brace in itself does not cause tooth decay. Overlooking your oral hygiene throughout the course of orthodontic treatment could cause serious damage, which is why it’s important to meticulously follow the instructions given by your dentist and hygienist, eradicating any risk of tooth decay or gum inflammation. In some cases, where children or teenagers don’t fully follow instructions, the orthodontic treatment may be deferred by a few months in order to achieve good oral hygiene.

    Can adults undergo orthodontic treatment, too?

    Absolutely! For patients with no acute problems in the gums or gum tissue, their teeth can be straightened at any age. There’s a common misconception that braces are only for children and teenagers; in reality, any patient can undergo orthodontic treatment, regardless of age. Over the past few years, orthodontic practices have begun to specialize in adult braces and aligners.

    Is orthodontic treatment painful?

    This is one of our most frequently asked questions. In general, the patient will not feel any discomfort during their appointment, but there could be some tenderness in the days following. This is due to a low level of irritation as the aligner rubs against the mouth; in these cases, chewing may cause slight pain. This discomfort will lessen every day, before disappearing completely after just a few days.

    How can I eat/what should I avoid eating whilst wearing my aligners?

    Patients can freely consume their normal diet when wearing an orthodontic brace, following a few simple rules and precautions. Here are a few practical suggestions: avoid particularly hard or sticky foods which might damage the brace, such as sweets and candy which could become stuck, therefore affecting your oral hygiene. Make sure to avoid any bad habits such as chewing on pencils or biting your nails.

    Is there a particular orthodontic treatment that’s right for me?

    Adults and teenagers often request the most aesthetically subtle orthodontic treatment possible. Modern orthodontics now offers two key solutions: the first consists of a fixed brace attached not to the front of the teeth, but behind. The second, also known as ‘invisible aligners’, are removable transparent aligners which can be used to straighten the teeth. The choice between these two methods depends on the state of the patient’s teeth at the start of the treatment process. After an appointment with a specialist, your dentist will advise you on the best possible solution for you, offering pros and cons of each option.

    At what age can you undergo orthodontic treatment?

    This is a question we are asked incredibly often. The first orthodontist appointment can already be booked for patients aged 5-6 years, who are old enough by this point to undergo preventative treatments to straighten misaligned teeth, or to simply perform regular check-ups in order to better intervene in future. This is why we always recommend a preventative appointment – this goes for any type of medical treatment. The appointment may then become the starting point for a treatment plan, but is often simply a check-up.